Reinhart Butcher Shop

Object Details

3D Model



Author: ReinhartServer
Block count: 3369
Views: 13307

Well this Butcher shop here looks really fancy and huge! I wonder how big this butcher is, or maybe the person in charge lives in this house too? Well this is nice. In the morning the person doesn't have to walk anywhere, just take a step downstairs and voila, he or she has arrived. But what do You think of these details? It looks like a hotel!! I think the butcher is earning rather well then, huh? But anyway if You'd love to have a shop like this then blueprints are below.
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Blocks you'll need:

Oak Wood 511
Oak Wood Stairs 491
Oak Wood Plank 481
Cobblestone 358
Gravel 319
Stone Brick Stairs 198
White Wool 170
Oak Leaves 147
Cobblestone Stairs 114
Double Stone Slab 104
Birch Wood 54
Wooden Trapdoor 48
Stone Bricks 46
Stone Brick Slab 45
Brown Carpet 39
Oak Fence 36
Double Stone Brick Slab 26
Gray Carpet 26
Chiseled Stone Bricks 22
Glass Pane 21
Oak Fence Gate 19
Torch 9
Chest 8
Piston 6
Oak Wood Slab 5
Birch Wood Plank 5
Rail 5
Iron Bars 4
Grass 4
Netherrack 3
Smooth Double Stone Slab 2
Iron Door 2
Oak Door 2
Burning Furnace 1
Gray Wool 1
Cactus Flower Pot 1
Stone Button 1
View Other Materials 173
Skill level 3
Object added 10 Oct 2017
Width 30
Height 20
Depth 24
Tags medieval, medieval house, butcher, medieval butcher, medieval shop, detailed
Block Count 3369
Object materials
Oak Wood Plank 481
Cobblestone 358
Gravel 319
Oak Wood (facing north/south) 208
White Wool 170
Oak Wood 160
Oak Wood (facing east/west) 126
Oak Leaves 117
Double Stone Slab 104
Oak Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 103
Oak Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 82
Oak Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 69
Oak Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 68
Oak Wood Stairs (South, Upside-down) 67
Oak Wood Stairs (North, Upside-down) 65
Stone Bricks 46
Stone Brick Slab 41
Brown Carpet 39
Oak Fence 36
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Normal) 36
Oak Wood Slab (Upper) 35
Stone Brick Stairs (North, Normal) 33
Stone Brick Stairs (West) 32
Cobblestone Stairs (South, Normal) 32
Stone Brick Stairs (East) 29
Cobblestone Stairs (East, Normal) 29
Cobblestone Stairs (West, Normal) 28
Birch Wood (facing north/south) 27
Birch Wood (facing east/west) 27
Double Stone Brick Slab 26
Gray Carpet 26
Cobblestone Stairs (North, Normal) 25
Oak Leaves (No Decay) 25
Chiseled Stone Bricks 22
Oak Wood Stairs (East, Upside-down) 21
Glass Pane 21
Stone Brick Stairs (South, Upside-down) 20
Stone Brick Stairs (East, Upside-down) 19
Oak Wood (only bark) 17
Oak Wood Stairs (West, Upside-down) 16
Stone Brick Stairs (West, Upside-down) 16
Wooden Trapdoor (West from block, Open, Bottom half) 14
Wooden Trapdoor (East from block, Open, Bottom half) 14
Stone Brick Stairs (North, Upside-down) 13
Wooden Trapdoor (North from block, Open, Bottom half) 12
Oak Fence Gate (Facing North, Closed) 10
Oak Fence Gate (Facing East, Closed) 9
Wooden Trapdoor (South from block, Open, Bottom half) 8
Chest (East) 5
Oak Wood Slab (Bottom) 5
Birch Wood Plank 5
Oak Leaves (No Decay and Check Decay) 5
Torch (Facing Up) 4
Stone Brick Slab (Upper) 4
Iron Bars 4
Torch (Facing East) 3
Chest (South) 3
Netherrack 3
Piston (Facing up, Not Extended) 3
Piston (Facing west, Not Extended) 3
Smooth Double Stone Slab 2
Grass 2
Rail (sloped, ascending to south) 2
Rail 2
Grass 2
Torch (Facing West) 2
Iron Door (Lower, Facing East, Closed) 1
Burning Furnace (Facing South) 1
Gray Wool 1
Oak Door (Hinge Left, Unpowered, Upper 1
Iron Door (Upper, Hinge Left, Unpowered) 1
Cactus Flower Pot 1
Rail (sloped, ascending to north) 1
Stone Button (Facing East, Inactive) 1
Oak Door (Facing East, Closed, Lower) 1
"I love your work!" -  Czorcica
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30 Blocks

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2020-05-16 18:10:55 Czorcica

I love your work!