Small Rabbit Statue

Object Details

3D Model



Author: SuperDemonPig
Block count: 82
Views: 8059

A rabbit statue, small like a real rabbit is. But isn't it adorable? To be honest a brown rabbit is pretty unusual thing to see but it is even better like this. Its cute ears, bunny nose and the tiny tail. It has everything a real bunny has, so we can say it is pretty realistic too. But just imagine it in Your farm or even in a village/town, people there would love it so much, I am sure of that!
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Blocks you'll need:

Brown Stained Clay 75
Light Gray Stained Clay 4
Black Stained Clay 2
Pink Stained Clay 1
Skill level 1
Object added 28 Sep 2017
Width 5
Height 6
Depth 6
Tags rabbit, statue, animal, animal statues, wild animal
Block Count 82
Object materials
Brown Stained Clay 75
Light Gray Stained Clay 4
Black Stained Clay 2
Pink Stained Clay 1
"I used smooth sandstone to make it a desert rabbit. These statues make me happy" -  Lily
"The ears are on the Picture but not on the blueprints.... " -  Mark
"Where are the Ears?" -  Mark
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2021-03-20 07:24:52 Lily

I used smooth sandstone to make it a desert rabbit. These statues make me happy

2020-09-15 18:54:24 Mark

The ears are on the Picture but not on the blueprints....

2020-09-15 18:52:48 Mark

Where are the Ears?