Sandstone Lighthouse

Object Details

3D Model



Author: kenofox
Block count: 2912
Views: 23711

Well, well, well... looks like we have a high-toned lighthouse over here. And it's made out of sandstone. This lighthouse also has a rather fancy spiral staircase that You can use to climb on top of the building. Sounds pretty good, huh?
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Blocks you'll need:

Sandstone 489
Cobblestone 421
Sandstone Stairs 341
Sand 290
Chiseled Sandstone 256
Sandstone Slab 197
Jungle Wood Plank 174
Still Water 167
Spruce Wood Plank 128
White Stained Glass Pane 93
White Stained Glass 80
Mossy Cobblestone Wall 73
Gray Wool 58
Stone Slab 17
Stone Brick Slab 17
Double Sandstone Slab 16
Birch Wood Plank 16
Cobblestone Stairs 8
Birch Wood Stairs 8
Cobblestone Slab 7
Beacon 5
Red Wool 3
Spruce Wood Stairs 3
Oak Door 2
View Other Materials 102
Skill level 2
Object added 11 Mar 2016
Width 15
Height 39
Depth 15
Tags sea, lighthouse, stone house, stone house
Block Count 2912
Object materials
Sandstone 489
Cobblestone 421
Sand 290
Chiseled Sandstone 256
Jungle Wood Plank 174
Still Water 167
Spruce Wood Plank 128
Sandstone Slab 104
Sandstone Slab (Upper) 93
White Stained Glass Pane 93
White Stained Glass 80
Mossy Cobblestone Wall 73
Sandstone Stairs (North, Upside-down) 60
Sandstone Stairs (West, Upside-down) 59
Sandstone Stairs (South, Upside-down) 59
Gray Wool 58
Sandstone Stairs (East, Upside-down) 58
Sandstone Stairs (East, Normal) 31
(Birch Wood, Upper) 29
Sandstone Stairs (West, Normal) 26
Sandstone Stairs (North, Normal) 24
Sandstone Stairs (South, Normal) 24
Stone Slab 17
Double Sandstone Slab 16
Birch Wood Plank 16
(Birch Wood, Bottom) 12
Stone Brick Slab 9
Stone Brick Slab (Upper) 8
Cobblestone Slab 7
Beacon 5
Red Wool 3
Spruce Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 3
Cobblestone Stairs (South, Normal) 2
Cobblestone Stairs (North, Normal) 2
Cobblestone Stairs (West, Normal) 2
Birch Wood Stairs (North, Normal) 2
Birch Wood Stairs (West, Normal) 2
Spruce Wood Slab (Upper) 2
Cobblestone Stairs (East, Normal) 2
Birch Wood Stairs (East, Normal) 2
Birch Wood Stairs (South, Normal) 2
Oak Door (Facing East, Opened, Lower) 1
Oak Door (Hinge Left, Unpowered, Upper 1
"Can someone explain the column of cobblestone in the center of this build starting at level 17 and going almost to the top?" -  OregonKate
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Level 7
15 Blocks
15 Blocks

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2018-03-08 05:35:16 OregonKate

Can someone explain the column of cobblestone in the center of this build starting at level 17 and going almost to the top?