Warhammer 40k Orbital Relay

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3D Model



Author: LordofNight2
Block count: 865
Views: 1334

Now this is a very interesting Orbital Relay but from space marines this is really expensive. It is worth it, don't You think so? I mean accessing the most powerful units and abilities like the Terminator Units. Going there will guarantee seeing things that other players have never seen before but it all comes with a price and if You are willing to pay it then welcome to the new age.
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Blocks you'll need:

Red Wool 264
Dirt 225
Stone Bricks 166
Stone Slab 47
Grass 44
Gold Block 41
Stone 22
Oak Fence 20
Double Stone Slab 15
Jack 8
Black Wool 4
Ladder 3
Redstone Lamp 2
Bookshelf 2
Lever 2
View Other Materials 13
Skill level 1
Object added 05 Jan 2018
Width 13
Height 19
Depth 21
Tags warhammer, 40k, orbital relay, military, video game
Block Count 865
Object materials
Red Wool 264
Dirt 225
Stone Bricks 166
Stone Slab 46
Grass 44
Gold Block 41
Stone 22
Oak Fence 20
Double Stone Slab 15
Jack-o-Lantern (Facing East) 5
Black Wool 4
Ladder (facing east) 3
Redstone Lamp (inactive) 2
Bookshelf 2
Jack-o-Lantern (Facing South) 1
Jack-o-Lantern (Facing North) 1
Stone Slab (Upper) 1
Jack-o-Lantern (Facing West) 1
Lever (On Block Side Facing South, Not Active) 1
Lever (On Block Side Facing North, Not Active) 1
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Level 7
21 Blocks
13 Blocks

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