Search - stone house
Medieval Stone House 1
Okay, this is interesting. It is like the perfect house for introverts or people who do no...
Block count: 749
Medieval Stone House 2
This . is . amazing ! Do You see this house here? I love it so much, I mean it is made of ...
Block count: 1942
Medieval Stone House 3
I'm not sure what it exactly is but something in this house is just sooo creepy. Maybe it'...
Block count: 1549
Small Modern Stone House
If wooden houses are getting too mainstream, take a break and try a stone house. Here's a ...
Block count: 1427
Desert Sandstone House 6
How about living in the middle of the desert? It is warm and it rarely rains ... talk abou...
Block count: 633
Desert Sandstone House 3
That tree up there must be really strong, or somebody is watering it very often to keep it...
Block count: 458
Desert Sandstone House 1
Oooh, I already hear some distinctive arabic music playing when I see this awesome sandsto...
Block count: 496
Desert Sandstone House 2
Are we in wild west? Those bright colors may make You second guess but actually we're just...
Block count: 896
Desert Sandstone House 5
Desert houses are really unique ones, don't You think so? I just love sandstone and this b...
Block count: 616
Desert Sandstone House 4
Sandstone in the desert, it can't get any more prettier than that, am I right? I mean this...
Block count: 585
Neolithic Stone House 1
Woah now that house here is unique ... I mean have You ever seen a Stone house like that b...
Block count: 465
Neolithic Stone House 2
Now that is a real stone house right here. I mean it is literally a pile of grey stones an...
Block count: 347
Seashore Stone House 1
What could You have against a little stone house on the shore? This seashore stone house i...
Block count: 1733
Small Sandstone House
If You want something conservative and not very noticeable then this house is Yours. It is...
Block count: 3707
Sandstone House 2
This L-shape house is built mainly from sand and wood, so if you have access to very large...
Block count: 3106
Sandstone House 3
Sandstone? Sandstone! Yes, we can build a beautiful building by using this block. This act...
Block count: 1984