

Fantasy Dwarven Shop

Well, this shop is nice! This weird hanging thing reminds me of flag. And this balcony and...
 Block count: 1041
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Small Fantasy Blacksmith

This house seriously looks like a building from some kind of fairy tale. I'm not kidding- ...
 Block count: 1043
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Medieval Colonial Farm House

Ooh, that's indeed a cozy house and fits the colonial theme just perfectly! As You may've ...
 Block count: 1045
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Medieval Middle Class House 11

Now this house looks pretty cool. I love the fact that You can even build a little garden ...
 Block count: 1045
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Medieval Middle Class Home

I wish I lived in the medieval times as a middle class person because this house here is l...
 Block count: 1045
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Boat House 1

So what do You think of a boat house that has a close design to a tavern? Looks pretty goo...
 Block count: 1046
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Feudal Japan Large Shop

Do You know the best thing about large shops? They have everything You can think of ... fr...
 Block count: 1046
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Medieval Community Unfurnished Cottage

Words that pop into my mind when seeing this build? Nope, not 'lovely' or 'sweet' this tim...
 Block count: 1048
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Middle Ages Blacksmith

Middle Ages Blacksmith is so different from medieval one. Just look how unique it is ... I...
 Block count: 1048
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Estremadura House

Interesting, we are having some interesting houses here, don't You think so? I have never ...
 Block count: 1049
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Medieval Steampunk Fisherman's House 2

So, what do we have here. This is a pretty nice house for a fisherman, don't You think so?...
 Block count: 1050
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Medieval Middle Class House 9

A house with just the right amount of luxury is what You're looking at right now. Among th...
 Block count: 1050
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Wasteland Village Small House 2

Ever thought a medieval style model could look something like that? I mean.. that awesome!...
 Block count: 1050
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Slavic Medieval House 3

Oh well if You are up to a little Medieval house building then how about this one here, hu...
 Block count: 1051
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Medieval Cozy Guest House

Wood always gives buildings' a nicely warm touch and it's just wonderful! This wooden hous...
 Block count: 1052
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Village Armory and Blacksmith

Armory and blacksmith in the same house, it is pretty cool idea actually. It saves room an...
 Block count: 1052
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