

Elven Temple

I love temples, I mean who doesn't, right? You don't need to be religious person to go to ...
 Block count: 944
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Nordic Midsize Unfurnished House 1

Don't You think this house looks semi nordic and semi modern? These colors and materials g...
 Block count: 942
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Viking Cottage 1

I really love all of Viking houses, they just look so different and cozy. Perfect get away...
 Block count: 941
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Aviar Modern House

If You like modern light houses then You are in the right place. Just look how cool it loo...
 Block count: 940
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Small Fantasy Town House 3

If You're looking for a potential house to settle in and You accidentally love everything ...
 Block count: 939
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Medieval Borough House 1

I have always admired Medieval buildings and this house here no exeption. The design of it...
 Block count: 938
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Mini Igloo 2

Do not judge a book by its cover ... it is a famous saying and I am pretty sure almost eve...
 Block count: 938
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Small Medieval Manor House

Now this house here is looking cozy and warm. It even has more than one floor and the inte...
 Block count: 934
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Forest Village House 5

Have You ever thought about building a forest village house? If You have then here is Your...
 Block count: 933
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Medieval Gentlemen's Club

Oooh, mates, hide Your wives because this house is only meant for reaaaal gentlemen! It's ...
 Block count: 931
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Small Fantasy Town House 1

I guess You've found the paradise on Earth if You're a fan of small, cute, practical and c...
 Block count: 930
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Old Market Redstone Shop

Old market shops ... I am pretty sure they are one of the best shops out there just becaus...
 Block count: 929
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Viking Temple

Vikings need a temple where to do their secret viking rituals. Yeap, that's right. Got one...
 Block count: 928
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Small Medieval Baker's Shop

Baker's shop is the most important place in the Medieval town, trust me! I mean imagine wa...
 Block count: 926
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Piston Design Elevated House

Elevated houses are so unique and cool ones, I wish that I could sleep in one of them one ...
 Block count: 924
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Fantasy Mountain Village House 3

Do Your nails get itchy while looking at these pictures? Well mine certainly do, lol. I ju...
 Block count: 924
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