MineCraft Objects Database


Thin Spruce Tree 1

Nowadays it's becoming more and more popular to decorate cities with weird looking trees. ...
 Block count: 316
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Small Normal Tree 5

We all try super hard to make a perfect collection. At least sometimes. But honestly, we a...
 Block count: 1203
Details Blueprints

Huge Natural Tree 5

Asymmetric tree must be the most regular tree ever. Well I'm not a scientist but if You th...
 Block count: 3256
Details Blueprints

Huge Natural Tree 4

The truth is, we all need a rest sometimes and I feel like this natural tree here is givin...
 Block count: 3467
Details Blueprints

Huge Natural Tree 3

I guess we all have one really special tree somewhere that brings back some lovely memorie...
 Block count: 2421
Details Blueprints

Huge Natural Tree 2

Trees, trees, trees. Trees everywhere. Or NOT if You haven't done any yet. Get started or ...
 Block count: 2215
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Huge Natural Tree 1

Okay, this natural tree here is very interesting, look at that shape - very artistic, don'...
 Block count: 1623
Details Blueprints

Birch Tree 5

Have You ever just lied down and looked at the shapes of the clouds? I do the same thing w...
 Block count: 775
Details Blueprints

Birch Tree 4

Did You know green is the color of a harmony, positivity, growth and balance, so maybe thi...
 Block count: 1253
Details Blueprints

Birch Tree 3

This tree is massive, like seriously ... look how big it is! Would it look awesome in Your...
 Block count: 1613
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Birch Tree 2

I just adore the look of a birch tree. All 3 amazing colors in one model! Good thing that ...
 Block count: 664
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Birch Tree 1

A little variety of trees always gives the scene a little something extra. Therefore You s...
 Block count: 674
Details Blueprints

Small Normal Tree 4

Leveltion has provided us a really nice variety of different tree builds. This small norma...
 Block count: 1078
Details Blueprints

UN Van Transporter

Doesn't it look a little bit like a family car? I mean the design of it from the outside, ...
 Block count: 182
Details Blueprints

UN Small AT Walker 2

Whoo, do I need to be scared of this thing? Hmm, I hope it's not gonna move or anything. T...
 Block count: 446
Details Blueprints

UN Small AT Walker

How do You feel about walkers? They are seriously awesome if You ask me, I mean machines o...
 Block count: 714
Details Blueprints