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Medieval Village Windmill

You can find loads of medieval windmills from Grabcraft but this one's my all time favouri...
 Block count: 958
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Medieval Village House 7

Village houses, always adorable and perfect places to live. Just look how cool it looks, e...
 Block count: 725
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Medieval Village Stables

Do You need any stables? Cause if You do then You are in the right place, just look at thi...
 Block count: 946
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Medieval Simple Watchtower

There is a blue fancy flag up there! Yeah the first thing I saw was the flag. But anyway t...
 Block count: 752
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Simple Medieval Church

Well, big crowd probably won't fit there. But for small village and few people it would be...
 Block count: 1747
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Simple Medieval Watermill

Am I dreaming? Somebody pinch me, this watermill here is so cool! You can even live in it,...
 Block count: 1339
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Medieval Simple House 2

I have always wondered why do so many Medieval and other houses have TNT in their backyard...
 Block count: 804
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Medieval Smith

Being a Smith is a hard job, right? There is so much hard work - hammering, heating, forgi...
 Block count: 1085
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Medieval Simple Lumberjack Shack

This simple shack is small and minimalist, it is built with little resources and it is per...
 Block count: 676
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Small Normal Tree 4

Leveltion has provided us a really nice variety of different tree builds. This small norma...
 Block count: 1078
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Birch Tree 1

A little variety of trees always gives the scene a little something extra. Therefore You s...
 Block count: 674
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Birch Tree 4

Did You know green is the color of a harmony, positivity, growth and balance, so maybe thi...
 Block count: 1253
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Birch Tree 5

Have You ever just lied down and looked at the shapes of the clouds? I do the same thing w...
 Block count: 775
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Huge Natural Tree 2

Trees, trees, trees. Trees everywhere. Or NOT if You haven't done any yet. Get started or ...
 Block count: 2215
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Huge Natural Tree 3

I guess we all have one really special tree somewhere that brings back some lovely memorie...
 Block count: 2421
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Huge Natural Tree 4

The truth is, we all need a rest sometimes and I feel like this natural tree here is givin...
 Block count: 3467
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