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Lego Cafe Corner

This hotel slash cafe corner is a LEGO-lovers dream. You know why? Cuz You start off by fo...
 Block count: 1323
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Lego Market Street

Let's build a LEGO house! Yes, right here in Minecraft! Nowadays nothing seems impossible ...
 Block count: 1061
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American Taxi

Late for somewhere? Take a cab! If You want to enter the party in old school american way ...
 Block count: 71
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Medieval House 2

The style of the Middle Ages never leaves us bored. Even this massive house shows that the...
 Block count: 1830
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Ancient Egyptian Statue 1

Woah ... now this is getting fun! A real Egyptian statue is here ... can You imagine it in...
 Block count: 282
Details Blueprints

Ancient Egyptian Sphinx 1

There is an interesting riddle going around the Sphinx - a riddle about three ages of a ma...
 Block count: 296
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Ancient Egyptian Sphinx 2

Kneel down before the Sphinx if this god is what makes You alive, if Sphinx gives You powe...
 Block count: 2211
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Ancient Egyptian Statue 2

Oh how I wish I could go to Ancient Egypt - to see the people, how they are building those...
 Block count: 319
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Ancient Egyptian Statue 3

Have You ever wondered what it would be like to live in an Ancient Egypt? Well i think aft...
 Block count: 2346
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Sandstone Obelisk M

Another beautiful Obelisk is here but this time it is a Sandstone one. Well it looks reall...
 Block count: 2094
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Snow Obelisk S

We all have seen a lot of monuments with all kind of shapes and colors but have You ever s...
 Block count: 443
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Ancient Egyptian Sphinx 3

Woah, now this is a little bit scary Sphinx we have got here. Why? I will tell You why, be...
 Block count: 4899
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Ancient Egyptian Statue 6

Egypt has always been in my mind - in your mind as well i hope so because what we have her...
 Block count: 7634
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Sandstone Obelisk S

So ... you like sand or you live in the sand aka in the desert. Isn't it too hot and dry t...
 Block count: 443
Details Blueprints

Snow Obelisk L

Obelisk ... I have wondered about these landmarks before and seeing one in here now is pre...
 Block count: 6376
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Snow Obelisk M

I never thought i say this but look at this Snow Obelisk here - it is so beautiful and rat...
 Block count: 2094
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