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Industrial Steampunk House 1

These Steampunk houses are getting more and more detailed by the day, really! Just ... wha...
 Block count: 9217
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Industrial Steampunk House 2

Okay this Steampunk house here is realy detailed and so pretty too! It reminds me of witch...
 Block count: 5222
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Industrial Steampunk House 3

This Steampunk house here is a true home and if that is what You are looking for then stay...
 Block count: 5988
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Hobbit LOTR Hole Home 1

Woah, now this is why I love Hole homes. First of all the name is so cool - hole home, isn...
 Block count: 14037
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Hobbit LOTR Hole Home 2

Woah, now this here is a true Hole home. This here might even be prettier and cooler than ...
 Block count: 23461
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Hobbit LOTR Hole Home 4

Is it just me, or Hobbit LOTR Hole homes are so cozy! I seriously feel like making a cup o...
 Block count: 10543
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Ivanhoe Car Ferry

A car ferry, so this ferry here can carry cars? Now that is an imporant ferry to have, I m...
 Block count: 432
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Marine Research Boat 4

If You are looking for a simple boat to build then You are in the right place, my friend. ...
 Block count: 114
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Marshall Explorer Research Ship

I have always loved to explore, ever since I was born I have been exploring everything. To...
 Block count: 965
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Marshall Provider Research Ship

I have always wondered what it would be like to be on a research ship. I have seen a lot o...
 Block count: 337
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Marshall Racer Research Boat

I wonder what can we do with a racer research boat like this one here. I do like the blue ...
 Block count: 32
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Marshall Supplier Research Ship

Have You ever been on a Supplier Research ship? To be honest as much as I love sea I have ...
 Block count: 314
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Military Cargo Ship

I have always wondered about cargo ships ... they really do travel all around the world, r...
 Block count: 882
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Military Patrol Boat

I have to be honest here, military ships are the best! Do You agree with me? Because just ...
 Block count: 819
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Military Pilot Vessel

Vessel is a ship or a large boat if You look it up from the dictionary. I like the word ve...
 Block count: 205
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Military Port Tender

Well, a port tender, I was wondering if we have a ship like that in here, but now we do! I...
 Block count: 187
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