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Construction Vehicle Mini Excavator

Am I weird if I like working? I mean imagine sitting in this Mini Excavator here every day...
 Block count: 56
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Road Roller v1

Aren't vehicles interesting? I mean first of all they all look so cool and different, seco...
 Block count: 106
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Road Roller v2

How cute is this Road roller here? It is far from a big scary roller that may weight up to...
 Block count: 91
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European White Dump Truck

Hey You, little Minecraft enthusiast! How about trying out this white dump truck this time...
 Block count: 258
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Blue Semi-Trailer

Got the European blue semi-trailer truck already? If not, search Grabcraft to get it but i...
 Block count: 433
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Gold Stretch Limousine

Few years ago I was able to sit inside the limousine in a wedding and let me tell You, it ...
 Block count: 162
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Police Truck

So if Your town needs some extra protection or just Policeman's want a new truck then this...
 Block count: 103
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Silver Stretch Limousine

Can You imagine how cool would it be to drive a limousine? Or even better, to be the owner...
 Block count: 166
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Small Green Family Car

Woah, now this car here is amazing, or is it just the color? Because this green color is l...
 Block count: 77
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Small White Sport Car

Are You like my friend who loves Sport Cars, she is like crazy over them. I am totally sur...
 Block count: 55
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White Pickup Truck

Cars, cars, cars... Could minecraft them forever! Here's another great catch for You- a wh...
 Block count: 91
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Black Stretch Limousine

You know why I love Minecraft? Because I can be rich in there, just look at this limousine...
 Block count: 182
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European Black Semi-Trailer Truck

Now this is one cool Semi-Trailer Truck, so colorful and big. I have always wondered how d...
 Block count: 144
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Livestock Semi Trailer

I have never seen a trailor like that before, have You? I mean I have seen some cars trans...
 Block count: 487
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Small Black Family Car 2

This is my new favourite car because it is black and black is my fav color. Plus the desig...
 Block count: 77
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Small Blue Family Car

Well, that's kinda cute. Can't really imagine one family car get any more simple as that. ...
 Block count: 77
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