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Medieval Blacksmith
It's always nice to take a bit time off and try to handicraft something for Yourself or Yo...
Block count: 1323
Medieval Farm 2
Woooh, a whole complex of different farm buildings! Thank goodness You don't need other bl...
Block count: 7163
Fantasy Horse Stable
Even horses get their own space in this fantasy world. That's just adorable! As a matter o...
Block count: 2009
Beach House
Do You think this beach house could work as a party house? It's quite big, has a lot of fr...
Block count: 5069
Sandstone Mansion
Miami? Hollywood? Hawaii? I guess this house could easily be in all of those places. But f...
Block count: 5013
Feudal Japan House 1
This looks like some cartoon creature :) And those roofs are really over the top. If You l...
Block count: 472
Feudal Japan Clan Headquarter 2
The biggest house actually looks like a ship! In this Feudal Japan Clan Headquarter You ca...
Block count: 7272
Feudal Japan Clan Headquarter 4
This house is like straight from Japan streets! Of course the roof makes it clear. But thi...
Block count: 9833
Feudal Japan Long House 2
Wouldn't it be fun to use this house as Your training place and just run there back and fo...
Block count: 2430
Desert Humvee Trailer 2
What is more easy to build that this trailer here, huh? I mean if You live in a desert or ...
Block count: 17
Little Asian House
Can You imagine cute and little Asian people living in this house? I definitely can! But t...
Block count: 660
Three Towers
It's time to switch from building fancy houses to creating massive towers! This building r...
Block count: 4008
Tatooine Port
Wait .... what? This here is a Tatooine port? Woah, well that is the first time I see a po...
Block count: 14395
Virgin Galactic
Who wouldn't one to be a space tourist, right? Well except if someone is really scared of ...
Block count: 424
1948 Packard Super-Eight Convertible
Ooooh this is such a nice car. Let's say You are walking in the down when 1948 Convertible...
Block count: 95
Roman Barn Stable
Looks like we've got a 2 in 1 model here. Double the fun! Roman style barn slash stable is...
Block count: 743