

Steampunk Small House 7

Did You see this secret hiding place under the roof? How cool is that!? I wonder if all th...
 Block count: 293
Details Blueprints

Fantasy Dwarven Shack

I love Dwarven buildings, they are always so cool, unique and strong looking. This shack h...
 Block count: 292
Details Blueprints

Dystopian Village House 1

What do You think of Dystopian houses, huh? I just love how different and unique they are....
 Block count: 290
Details Blueprints

Livia's Tinctures and Tonics Apothecary

Aww, what a lovely name for an apothecary! If You take closer look, You'll see that it's a...
 Block count: 289
Details Blueprints

Dark Kingdom Farm House 1

Now this is a true farm house, a small, warm and cozy house. Imagine living in this little...
 Block count: 289
Details Blueprints

Dystopian Village Workers Barracks

Dystopian Village even has barracks? Now that is really cool, Dystopian has everything we ...
 Block count: 288
Details Blueprints

Desert Village House 3

If You're looking for cool little builds to upgrade Your desert collection or You just nee...
 Block count: 287
Details Blueprints

Tiny Tree House

A tree house was the dream of my childhood, a big or small, it doesn't matter, as long as ...
 Block count: 284
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Medieval Small Unfurnished House 6

Medieval houses ... I am not sure what to say about them because we all love them, right? ...
 Block count: 284
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Wooden Hut

A little hut never hurt nobody- said no minecrafter ever. Hah, actually it's a nice build ...
 Block count: 278
Details Blueprints

Medieval Tiny House 4

Gosh, that build's pretty petite. Even teeny tiny I would say. But everyone could use at l...
 Block count: 278
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Dystopian Village Library

Good morning people! Well ... a library. I have to tell You that I love them, there are so...
 Block count: 277
Details Blueprints

Steampunk Small House 2

Oh, You're back. And I'm not even surprised. Steampunk collection is in serious need of an...
 Block count: 274
Details Blueprints

Small Sandstone Blacksmith Workshop

Workshop buildings are always so appealing! Like, You can discover something new, learn a ...
 Block count: 273
Details Blueprints

World of Warcraft Orc Small House

Here is a small house for all of Orc lovers. Doesn't it look cool and unique? There is no ...
 Block count: 270
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Unfurnished Viking House

Vikings are awesome! This house here reminds me of a tent, but this is a solid one and wat...
 Block count: 270
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