Medieval Houses


Low Class Medieval House 7

When I look at this house, it makes me a bit sad. I just couldn't imagine living in a hous...
 Block count: 473
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Low Class Medieval House 8

When covered with snow, this house is barely noticeable... Considering this fact, I think ...
 Block count: 378
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Low Class Medieval House 9

If You're seeking for a reaaaally small house to build then congratulations- You've offici...
 Block count: 386
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Medieval Small Watch Tower 2

You've got to keep Your properties under control, especially if we're talking about the M...
 Block count: 1015
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Low Class Medieval House 10

I really like medieval houses and this house here looks pretty cool. To be honest, from th...
 Block count: 496
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Medieval Town Hall

Got that feeling like You're obsessed by the medieval buildings? Here's something overly m...
 Block count: 3853
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Medieval Factory

Have You ever dreamed of having Your own factory? Well check out this cool medieval facto...
 Block count: 503
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Medieval Guard Tower

Run this medieval town like a boss in Your new super fancy guard tower! Doesn't this thing...
 Block count: 682
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Medieval Hunting Lodge

You know that some people still go to hunting trips, like they used to do it in the Mediev...
 Block count: 2096
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Medieval Gentlemen's Club

Oooh, mates, hide Your wives because this house is only meant for reaaaal gentlemen! It's ...
 Block count: 931
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Simple Medieval House 2

It's all about keeping it simple but never settle for anything boring! Here's a great exam...
 Block count: 587
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Small Medieval Store

Every dreamt about owning a little store? Just a little company that will give a lot of jo...
 Block count: 349
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Medieval Birch House

You've seen thousands of different wooden houses but now it's time to level up by trying a...
 Block count: 553
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Small & Cosy Medieval House

Every person from the rough Middle Ages deserves a place where to feel safer than ever bef...
 Block count: 477
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Medieval Middle Class House 5

It's a middle class house - big enough for a family, but small enough to not be very notic...
 Block count: 573
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Medieval Small Watch Tower

This is a small Watch tower with a room for resting, it has bookshelves, a bed and everyth...
 Block count: 481
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