Medieval Houses


Medieval Kingdom Armourer A

Fancy, is the word that would describe this armourer here well, what do You think? The dar...
 Block count: 668
Details Blueprints

Medieval Kingdom Armourer B

Fancy, this Armourer here has a fabulous house with perfect dark colors and the design of ...
 Block count: 844
Details Blueprints

Medieval Kingdom Bakery A

Oh, well this bakery here looks really unique. To be honest it seems to be like a blacksmi...
 Block count: 781
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Medieval Kingdom Bakery B

Have I ever told You how much I love bakeries? If they are small then the freshly baked go...
 Block count: 865
Details Blueprints

Medieval Kingdom Blacksmith A

I am loving this blacksmith here, isn't it beautiful? The dark brown colors go so well wit...
 Block count: 708
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Medieval Kingdom Blacksmith B

Well this here is a beautiful blacksmith, don't You think so? The roof is amazing and I lo...
 Block count: 905
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Medieval Kingdom Bowyer A

Being a professional bowyer is far from easy. They must practice day and night to be the b...
 Block count: 645
Details Blueprints

Medieval Kingdom Bowyer B

Well then, it looks like everything in Minecraft is getting better and cooler every day. T...
 Block count: 836
Details Blueprints

Medieval Kingdom Brewery A

Once I took a tour in my city, to hear more about the history and stuff and did You know w...
 Block count: 886
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Medieval Kingdom Brewery B

Have You ever tried home-brewed drinks? They are amazing, the taste of those drinks is so ...
 Block count: 949
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Medieval Kingdom Builders Guild

Did You know that there is a guild for almost every profession? It is so cool and cute tha...
 Block count: 1126
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Medieval Kingdom Hovel 1

Wanna see something super medieval? Check this out! A medieval kingdom hovel in it's whole...
 Block count: 606
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Medieval Kingdom Hovel 2

A medieval hovel? Seems to be more like a cool studio apartment from the inside, lol! Anyw...
 Block count: 1108
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Medieval Kingdom Miners Guild

That guild here really reminds me of miners so it is perfect for their guild, right? Well,...
 Block count: 1005
Details Blueprints

Medieval Kingdom Saxon Hall

What would we do without big halls, right? I mean this hall here is just perfect for bigge...
 Block count: 2524
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Medieval Kingdom Small House

Well well what do we have here? A small house out of the Medieval times as I can see. To b...
 Block count: 834
Details Blueprints