Medieval Houses


Medium Medieval House

This is fantastic ... if all medium houses would look like that ... Those grey and brown c...
 Block count: 2446
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Medieval Unfurnished Blacksmith

If You are looking for a unique blacksmith to build then You just found one! This Medieval...
 Block count: 680
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Medieval Small Unfurnished House 2

Dude, that is the house I have been looking for! Simple design, brown colors that look ver...
 Block count: 709
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Medieval Small Unfurnished House 3

I don't have to tell You how cool Medieval houses are, right? I mean if You look at this h...
 Block count: 690
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Medieval Small Unfurnished House 4

I was just looking for different Medieval houses when this one here caught my eyes. At fir...
 Block count: 959
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Medieval Small Unfurnished House 5

Guess what was the first thing that I saw when I looked at this house here ... yeah, the r...
 Block count: 1135
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Medieval Small Unfurnished House 6

Medieval houses ... I am not sure what to say about them because we all love them, right? ...
 Block count: 284
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Medieval Tiny Farm House

Well I am not sure if this is a tiny one but yeah, it is not a big farm so it will do. But...
 Block count: 809
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Medieval Small Unfurnished House 1

Hay bale roof, brown and grey colors, small rooms ... sounds like a Medieval house right t...
 Block count: 738
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Odd Medieval Large Unfurnished House 1

Well then, a large house with the coolest roof I have ever seen! It looks like a cross or ...
 Block count: 4575
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Odd Medieval Unfurnished House 1

Perfect, that roof is just perfect! It is so ... symmetrical and the colors make it look e...
 Block count: 1609
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Odd Medieval Unfurnished House 2

Okay, I just had an idea ... doesn't this Odd house look like a coffee house? I mean it is...
 Block count: 1270
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Odd Medieval Unfurnished House 3

Oooh, Odd house ... Now I get why it is called liked that! Do You? It is not because of th...
 Block count: 2703
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Odd Medieval Unfurnished House 4

Is it just me or this house here looks amazing?? It is so big but at the same time if You ...
 Block count: 3704
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Odd Medieval Unfurnished Tiny House 1

Awwww, why do all tiny things have to look so cute? This house reminds me of an adorable m...
 Block count: 354
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Odd Medieval Unfurnished Tiny House 2

Awwww ... this is such a cute house! Doesn't it look like a puppet house for some reason? ...
 Block count: 911
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