MineCraft Objects Database


Medieval Barn

A barn doesn't have to be enormously big to stand for it's function. This cute little barn...
 Block count: 689
Details Blueprints

Floating Island

A freaking floating island!? You've got to be kidding me, haha! That's brilliant! Cheers t...
 Block count: 8070
Details Blueprints

ASFJerome Statue

Deep brown face and a dappled suit. Hmmmm, very interesting outfit I must say. The red tie...
 Block count: 1033
Details Blueprints

Viking Town Hall

Vikings need a town hall and You're going to minecraft them one. And not a regular medieva...
 Block count: 2140
Details Blueprints

Viking Butcher

Umm, yeah... Only tough guys can handle this building. Others please look away because it'...
 Block count: 1203
Details Blueprints

Viking Bakery

I love the smell of fresh baked goods. Especially in the morning when walking to school, t...
 Block count: 1602
Details Blueprints

Medieval Windmill 2

Windmill is always a nice object to minecraft. It has a certain function and it makes a gr...
 Block count: 1384
Details Blueprints

Black & White Modern House

Black and white, my favorite colors. Everything looks good with black and white, You can n...
 Block count: 1256
Details Blueprints

Asian Blacksmith

Don't You agree that those colorless medieval buildings should take a brake for a while? G...
 Block count: 633
Details Blueprints

Wooden Villa

Aren't villas looking great? They are all so big and beautiful, imagine how much room You ...
 Block count: 2088
Details Blueprints


If You like building big and very detailed things (like me) then check out this steamship ...
 Block count: 46579
Details Blueprints

Medieval Woodmill

Now this Woodmill is looking awesome. Look how detailed and cute it looks, I bet the perso...
 Block count: 7413
Details Blueprints

Medieval Foundry

Foundry? What is that? Comes out that it's a factory that produces metal castings. Sound q...
 Block count: 11276
Details Blueprints

Viking / Nordic Long Boat

Classic! This Nordic Long Boat is like the most perfect example of the notorious viking st...
 Block count: 553
Details Blueprints

Tobuscus Statue

Wooop! Tobuscus is here, let's greet him with a waaaarm hug! Or if You're shy then handsha...
 Block count: 993
Details Blueprints

Provincial Villa

Isn't this Villa looking great? When I was a kid I really wanted to live in a huge villa a...
 Block count: 6162
Details Blueprints