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Tauren Totem

I have seen a Totem like this before ... in a scary movie actually. But this Totem here is...
 Block count: 8004
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Troll Hut

Now this here is a rather interesting building. Apparently it is for Trolls or is it just ...
 Block count: 951
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Troll Watchtower

A watchtower with a roof filled with hay bales! How adorable is that? Well not exactly ado...
 Block count: 336
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Giant Coffee Cup

All of You who need coffee in the morning before talking to somebody, this should be heave...
 Block count: 3878
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Medium Village Rustic House 1

Well then, I thought I love castles but I sure do love this Rustic house right here too. D...
 Block count: 847
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Medium Village Rustic House 2

Wow, now this house looks like a mansion to me. It is so beautiful, detailed and big too, ...
 Block count: 1138
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Small Village Rustic House 3

If You are looking for a cute, small house that leaves a feeling like You are living in a ...
 Block count: 370
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Village Rustic Mansion

Did You know I am a Mansion lover? I mean Mansions are just the most perfect houses to liv...
 Block count: 2801
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Fantasy Micro House

I am starting to love Micro houses, aren't they awesome? It is so small but it has everyth...
 Block count: 467
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Arabic Desert Inn

If You are a traveller then inn should be the number one place in Your to go list, because...
 Block count: 1034
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Detailed Medieval Barn

Do You have livestock? Because if You have then You definitely need a house where to store...
 Block count: 1719
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Medieval Blacksmith Workshop

Workshops are the best! You can always go to a workshop and learn a new skill or try somet...
 Block count: 1918
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Modern 4 Bedroom House

Now who doesn't love modern houses? Just look at that design, it is beautiful - so many de...
 Block count: 7155
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Modern One Bedroom House

This here is only a one bedroom house but it is still so roomy and beautiful. It is aboslu...
 Block count: 1613
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Arabic Desert Archery Range

Archery range in the desert, how cool is that? I just hope it isn't too hot in there or it...
 Block count: 1185
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Fortified Medieval House 2

This is interesting. This medieval house here is so big and there is so much stuff all aro...
 Block count: 1461
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