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Mini Igloo 1

All of the snow lovers! Our time has come to build us an amazing igloo. Just look at this ...
 Block count: 899
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Mini Igloo 3

Igloo, I have seen a lot of igloos in my life but this one here is amazing, so unique and ...
 Block count: 471
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Tall Medieval Brick House 3

A brick house into Your Medieval village, how about that? Check out this house here, how t...
 Block count: 828
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Tall Medieval Unfurnished House 5

Beautiful, unique and rather interesting Medieval house - is that what we all want? Well i...
 Block count: 1631
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Rope Bridge 2

Aren't rope bridges a little bit scary? I have seen in a lot of cartoons that people can j...
 Block count: 279
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Rope Bridge 1

Woah, this is such a cute bridge. It is really small tho, so it is good for smaller rivers...
 Block count: 326
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Well Design 2

We have reached to the time where even wells have to be beautiful and unique. Well it sure...
 Block count: 534
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Well Design 1

Okay this well here is looking so good. Can You see all of these details, colors and even ...
 Block count: 337
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Medium Medieval Fountain

Fire and water - two absolutely different elements together like this. I am sure already t...
 Block count: 2568
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Medium Stone Bridge

A stone bridge is always a good idea to build if You want Your bridge to stay there foreve...
 Block count: 1186
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Simple Stone Bridge

Well, how about building a little small stone bridge into Your village or into Your farm m...
 Block count: 232
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Small Wooden Bridge

A small wooden bridge with a roof! The roof is a really good idea, right? All bridges shou...
 Block count: 239
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Fanned Air Balloon 1

Oh this Air Balloon is a fancy one, huh. This is a fanned Air Balloon, so it flies better ...
 Block count: 339
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Fanned Air Balloon 2

An air balloon ... this is a dream come true, I have always wanted to glide like a fabulou...
 Block count: 339
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Fanned Air Balloon 3

You know ... being afraid of heights is a downside of life but at the same it is a blessin...
 Block count: 339
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Middle Ages Blacksmith

Middle Ages Blacksmith is so different from medieval one. Just look how unique it is ... I...
 Block count: 1048
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