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Red Helicopter on Helipad

If You want to be little bit more fancier person than the others then why take a bus or a ...
 Block count: 584
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This is Isaac from "The Binding of Isaac". I bet many girls like him, because he is so cut...
 Block count: 126
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Mario Mushroom

This is a Mushroom statue, like You can see it's from Super Mario. This statue looks cute...
 Block count: 215
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Look at this small blue eyed Charmander everybody, isn't he cute? He is cute, but also dan...
 Block count: 184
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Bulbasaur is probably one of the most well-known Pokemon among young people and it seems l...
 Block count: 754
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Ghost Robo

Every time I hear someone saying "Look, a ghost!" I just freak out! Ghosts are just so awf...
 Block count: 1901
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If You don't have enough of Pokemon characters in Your Minecraft World then You're in a ri...
 Block count: 349
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I wonder how many Pokemons do You already have? I bet there's quite many of them, but I'm ...
 Block count: 192
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Wooden Farmhouse 1

Do You have a farm? Because if You don't then it doesn't matter, I mean everybody can live...
 Block count: 1137
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Wooden Horse Stable 1

Isn't it awesome! A small and cute stable for Your lovely horses. There they can have a sa...
 Block count: 1152
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Wooden Horse Stable 2

You are planning to get some new family members? Or You already have a bunch of horses? E...
 Block count: 1093
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Small Baobab

A Baobab tree ... do You know why I love this tree here? Because it is smarter than some o...
 Block count: 162
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Baby Palm Tree

This is literally the cutest thing I have seen today. This baby palm tree is adorable, loo...
 Block count: 19
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Baby Palm Tree 3

I am starting to love baby palm trees because just look how pretty they are. This one here...
 Block count: 54
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Large Realistic Palm Tree 3

Can You believe that I have never seen a real palm tree in my whole life? I need to add it...
 Block count: 631
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Tall Baobab Tree 3

Do You have a Savannah in Your Minecraft? Because if You do then this Baobab tree would lo...
 Block count: 2067
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