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Medieval Fantasy Huge Forge

They are not kidding when they say it is a huge forge. Just look at that mansion here! So ...
 Block count: 18557
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Medieval Fantasy Storehouse

Okay ... I seriosuly thought a storehouse would be a really simple building but that here ...
 Block count: 14917
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Medieval Fantasy Town Hall

Woah ... I was not expecting a hall like that!! It is absolutely gorgeous, huge, detailed,...
 Block count: 9168
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Red Corporation Factory

Take a short break from filling Your collection with small medieval builds. Adjust Your fo...
 Block count: 3433
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Nordic Farm House

Growing up in a farm is the best childhood one can have. Just imagine running around baref...
 Block count: 901
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Nordic Windmill House

If Your life calling is to work in a windmill and make delicious flour while enjoying the ...
 Block count: 1034
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Fantasy Village Small House 1

Why don't You build this house here, huh? The red roof, grey stones and well it is a Fanta...
 Block count: 705
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Fantasy Village Small House 2

Woah, that small house here is a real castle! Where is the entrance?? Oh I found it ... it...
 Block count: 964
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Fantasy Village Small House 3

What do we have here? A Fantasy village small house! Pretty unique one that is, right? I c...
 Block count: 659
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Fantasy Village Small House 5

Well, doesn't this Fantasy house here remind You of a Viking house? I mean the roof it has...
 Block count: 854
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Fantasy Village Small House 6

This Fantasy red house here is so adorable. It has such a homey feeling to it, don't You t...
 Block count: 896
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Fantasy Village Small House 7

These houses here look like huts, right? They are so cool, I would love to live in one of ...
 Block count: 1133
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Fantasy Village Pub

Want to grab a cold beer with Your buddies but can't find any pubs nearby? No worries. Wit...
 Block count: 1385
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Fantasy Village Wheat Farm

The more cool models You have in Your fantasy style village, the better the whole thing wo...
 Block count: 434
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Fantasy Village Street Lantern 2

Who would've thought that street lanterns could come in such different variations. Grabcra...
 Block count: 20
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Fantasy Village Inn

If You want some good food then this is the place to go, seriously! An inn, well a Fantasy...
 Block count: 1809
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