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Small Medieval Ship

Isn't this ship looking cool? But I don't think it is very small, I'd say it is pretty big...
 Block count: 1837
Details Blueprints

Medieval Brothel (Bottom Floor Underground)

Even the shyest warrior sometimes needs to spend some time in a girl's company. In this bu...
 Block count: 1704
Details Blueprints

Small Medieval Store

Every dreamt about owning a little store? Just a little company that will give a lot of jo...
 Block count: 349
Details Blueprints

Small Medieval Pub

Cool builds don't necessarily have to be overwhelming and huge, do they? I mean, this smal...
 Block count: 526
Details Blueprints

Medieval City Tower and Keep

That's massssive but freaking awesome! This time I'm challenging You with a medieval city ...
 Block count: 35092
Details Blueprints

Medieval Fairytale House 8

Home is such an inportant place and believe it or not but the older You are the more You n...
 Block count: 1129
Details Blueprints

Radiance - Crusader Ship

Ancient crusaders new how to rock on the waves. They just needed a proper ship- that was h...
 Block count: 7685
Details Blueprints

Air-Pirate Junker

Pirates in the air? There's nothing to be surprised about if You're given an air-pirate ju...
 Block count: 11858
Details Blueprints

Urban Modernist Small Apartment Building 1

Urban houses are so beautiful and no one can say that they are not! Just look how adorable...
 Block count: 6404
Details Blueprints

Rear Mount Aerial Ladder Truck

A ladder truck in its whole glory ... I like it, don't You? I know they are also very impo...
 Block count: 156
Details Blueprints

Squad Rescue Truck

Another emergency truck. Or is it? Do You know what is it used for? A squad rescue truck i...
 Block count: 124
Details Blueprints

Medieval Nordic Cart

The Detailed Medieval Building Bundle is filled with soooo many great medieval style detai...
 Block count: 57
Details Blueprints

Adacia Town Hall

This here is the most important building in the town and let's be honest it has to look go...
 Block count: 3760
Details Blueprints

Small Trading Ship

I hope You have some stuff You need to get rid of, because this ship here is a trading shi...
 Block count: 4443
Details Blueprints

Fantasy Train 1

Collecting trains? Perfect! Interested in something out of box? Excellent! This train rig...
 Block count: 3059
Details Blueprints

Fantasy Train 2

I absolutely love travelling by train. When I need to go somewhere further then I always t...
 Block count: 6469
Details Blueprints