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Medieval House 2 Ruins

A house with broken windows, floor and missing door may look a bit scary at first. But if ...
 Block count: 439
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Medieval House 4 Ruins

These ruins here are looking a bit different, am I right? I mean this house is pretty sma...
 Block count: 455
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Medieval House 5 Ruins

Now these ruins here look seriously old, just take a look inside. It is all covered in gra...
 Block count: 433
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Medieval Tower 2 Ruins

I bet this tower once was a gorgeous medieval towel full of good food and music. But well ...
 Block count: 976
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Wooden Hut Ruins

Am I the only person who likes to look for old houses that have been empty for ages alread...
 Block count: 180
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Medieval House 9 Ruins

Wouldn't it be amazing if You could find ruins like these and You would be the only one wh...
 Block count: 532
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Sherman Crab Mine Exploder T2 Flail

World War vehicles are all so incredible. At least minecrafter hadrienoss has managed to m...
 Block count: 468
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Abstract House 2

Can I say Omg? That house is amazing, it is just breathtaking. I am absulutely sure there ...
 Block count: 8533
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Nordic Small Home

Oh how Nordic houses make my eyes watery - they are such wonderful houses and if You are g...
 Block count: 1136
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Warhammer Medieval House 4

Well this looks good, it is like a step further from the usual Medieval houses. I mean the...
 Block count: 1343
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Western Town Blacksmith

Blacksmiths are meant to be ... I mean in the Western town they are famous because people ...
 Block count: 250
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Small Ice Tree 1

How cute is that! Seems like this small kiddo wasn't really prepared for a weather as cold...
 Block count: 38
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Box Car

Hpycmprs has done some amaaazing job on his train bundle. Here's a simple red box car that...
 Block count: 303
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Passenger Car

Hpycmprs has really considered passenger's interests when putting together this build. I m...
 Block count: 484
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Fantasy World Small Castle

This is amazing! Now this castle here is innovative for sure, just look how detailed and u...
 Block count: 1104
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Unfurnished Fantasy House 2

If You like Fantasy houses then You will like this house too. To be honest the house is ac...
 Block count: 945
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