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Asphalt L Street Segment

Some incredible things happen down there, let me tell You that. This segment is obviously ...
 Block count: 6070
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Road Double X Street Segment

This guy has done an absolutely incredible job! He deserves an applause and You definitely...
 Block count: 2277
Details Blueprints

Medieval Fortified Watchtower

I seriously love watchtowers, I mean just look at that building. It is so tall and the vie...
 Block count: 413
Details Blueprints

Medieval Fortified Barracks

These barracks here are pretty cool, don't You think so? They really do look comfy to live...
 Block count: 3040
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Asian Tiger

Why are all the animals so cute? Just look at that tiger here, so dangerous and unpredicta...
 Block count: 206
Details Blueprints

Victorian Summer Mansion 2

I wouldn't mind spending my summer in a house like this. It is so fancy and I have to say ...
 Block count: 2217
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Motorbike Design 1

Now this is a really cool motorbike - it has the sidecar! So You can go for a ride with Yo...
 Block count: 18
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Motorbike Design 2

You have a day off and being inside the house doesn't sound very appealing. First thing Yo...
 Block count: 8
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Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)

I hope You like Gravity falls because this here is Mabel Pines in her whole glory. I got...
 Block count: 3998
Details Blueprints

Pikachu 1

Oooh, who wouldn't love a short and chubby Pokemon like Pikachu!? He's absolutely adorable...
 Block count: 8748
Details Blueprints

Elven Town House 3

Another gingerbread house. Covered with cream and sugary details. Just kidding, it's just ...
 Block count: 1367
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Spruce Medieval House 1

Oh wow, this house here is something special, isn't it? This dark wood - Spuce tree looks ...
 Block count: 1977
Details Blueprints

Modern Book Shop

Hmm, a book shop with a minimal amount of books... Maybe it's this kind of shop where You ...
 Block count: 884
Details Blueprints

Modern Arena

Ready for the upcoming match? I wouldn't be so sure about that. Seems like You're missing ...
 Block count: 14302
Details Blueprints

Suburban Park

Are there any people outside who love parks? Who love to walk in parks while listening to ...
 Block count: 4144
Details Blueprints

Sky Ship Repair Bay

Damaged ships need to be repaired but that's really not possible without a proper repair b...
 Block count: 10759
Details Blueprints