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Village Brick Windmill

Now this here is a true windmill! It looks amazing, just perfect for a cute little village...
 Block count: 2246
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Small Wooden Cabin 2

This is a tiny wooden cabin for You. Doesn't it look cute? This house is mostly made of da...
 Block count: 724
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Poke Ball

How about an awesome Pokeball everybody? This here is the most basic pokeball You can find...
 Block count: 256
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Miniature House 3

This simple, yet two-storey building is equipped with rooms in different size. Its big bal...
 Block count: 1183
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Modern Private House 8

This is a huge, two-storey building, where you can play hide-and-seek all day long in Mine...
 Block count: 3020
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Best Buy

This Best Buy store has a fun look from the outside and a very detailed interior. The six ...
 Block count: 6662
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Walmart 1

Too bad I'm living in Europe, because I'd love to go to the Walmart. I have seen so many f...
 Block count: 16282
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Medieval Carpet Shop

I went to a carpet shop once and it was so fun! Well a little bit stressful yeah but fun a...
 Block count: 833
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Medieval Armour Storage Building

At first You can't really guess what this house's for... Is it for living? Is that a fanci...
 Block count: 9490
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Medieval Kingdom Shopping Quarter

Wouldn't it be interesting if all of our shopping quarters would look like this one here? ...
 Block count: 2775
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Old Japan Shop

Those old Japanese shops never stop surprising us. Look how lovely that little house looks...
 Block count: 1287
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Simple Wooden Cart

In the old Medieval times people sure loved carts, no wonder they were really important fo...
 Block count: 18
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