MineCraft Objects Database


Feudal Japanese Lower Class House

Lower class house ... yes lower. I love it so much because it looks so good and it is so m...
 Block count: 379
Details Blueprints

Feudal Japanese Library

If You want to find me then You should visit a library or a coffee shop. That is even writ...
 Block count: 1471
Details Blueprints

Feudal Japanese Inn

I love inns because they have such a great feeling to it, they are so cute plus there is n...
 Block count: 1350
Details Blueprints

Feudal Japanese Dojo

Dojo aka "place of the way" Now this here is the place for You, friends or everyone in ma...
 Block count: 1884
Details Blueprints

Feudal Japanese Bath House

Have You ever been to a bath house before? I have not because I am not sure if I would fee...
 Block count: 1958
Details Blueprints

Feudal Japanese Bank

Have I ever told You how much I love and fear banks at the same time? Love because of the ...
 Block count: 590
Details Blueprints

Feudal Japan Water Wheel

Okay, this is literally the fanciest water wheel I have ever seen, just look where the wat...
 Block count: 2337
Details Blueprints

Fantasy Cellared House

Okay I knew fantasy houses are pretty but this cellared house here is amazing. Those detai...
 Block count: 5753
Details Blueprints

Victorian Town Building 7

So, what do You think of Victorian buildings? I hope they are not too fancy or big for You...
 Block count: 3780
Details Blueprints

Victorian Town Building 6

Town building for town people is here! Yeah, it is actually for everybody but still. Doesn...
 Block count: 1800
Details Blueprints

Victorian Town Building 5

If You love living in the town then this Victorian house here should be pretty good idea, ...
 Block count: 2466
Details Blueprints

Victorian Town Building 4

This is interesting building here, don't You think so? It looks very majestetic and detail...
 Block count: 2378
Details Blueprints

Steampunk Factory

I knew steampunk factorys are big but this one here is absolutely huge. It is so detailed ...
 Block count: 9369
Details Blueprints

Realistic Palm Tree 5

Well, this palm tree here is really cool. It looks like a huge wave and You can even add s...
 Block count: 110
Details Blueprints

Realistic Palm Tree 4

Okay, a palm tree, a tree that is tall, unique and beautiful ... a tree that I have never ...
 Block count: 209
Details Blueprints

Realistic Palm Tree 2

Have You ever seen a palm tree with Your own eyes? Because it is really cool ... it is ext...
 Block count: 52
Details Blueprints