

Small Sandstone Workshop

This is the reason why I love sandstone, just look at this house, it looks amazing, very u...
 Block count: 351
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Fantasy Village Fishing Cabin

Oh, what a genius idea to build a fishing cabin right on the shore! You don't even have to...
 Block count: 351
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Ancient Temple Ruin

If You first lay Your eyes on that model, You might never guess what it really is. A bunch...
 Block count: 352
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Medieval Settlement Medium Sized House 5

Isn't this house here adorable? The interior is just amazing, there is a small fireplace f...
 Block count: 353
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Savanna House

I have always wanted to go to the savanna, look around there, see the local people, the an...
 Block count: 353
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Futuristic Modern Home 3

This build is not for everybody. Only for those who can handle super arty style. Cuz that'...
 Block count: 353
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Odd Medieval Unfurnished Tiny House 1

Awwww, why do all tiny things have to look so cute? This house reminds me of an adorable m...
 Block count: 354
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Adacia Common House 5

Oh ... well this house here is a unique one ... it is absolutely brown, there are no detai...
 Block count: 354
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Ancient Gateway Ruin

What if You built a whole town that consists of ruins? How cool would that be, huh!? You c...
 Block count: 356
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Small Medieval House 5

Wow.... this medieval house looks like a tiny hut, doesn't it? It has two small floors. On...
 Block count: 357
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Japarabic House 5

Japarabic house is here! Isn't it beautiful? It kind of looks perfect for a desert, don't ...
 Block count: 357
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Small Medieval Home 3

This is such a nice little small Medieval home to own. Just imagine living in there, or ma...
 Block count: 358
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Desert Sandstone Storage

If You are like any other person from 21 century then You have way too many stuff that You...
 Block count: 358
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Ancient House Ruin 1

Well these ruins must've been here for a long time now. They're becoming almost invisible ...
 Block count: 358
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Medieval Apothecary 1

This house looks very easy, don't You think so? If it was my house I'd probably add a cool...
 Block count: 359
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Futuristic Modern Home 6

Have You ever just stopped and thought about the future and then realised that the future ...
 Block count: 360
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