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Huge Middle Ages Church

If You have time and You like details then this Church here should be absolutely perfect f...
 Block count: 9407
Details Blueprints

Middle Ages Glass Factory

Have You ever seen how people do glass? I can imagine how fun it would be to spend a day i...
 Block count: 2291
Details Blueprints

Middle Ages Huge House 2

Need to host a thousand people or want to start Your own school? Hah, no problem. Psykosch...
 Block count: 3663
Details Blueprints

Middle Ages Inn

Okay, this is not what I thought I see if I open a middle Ages inn. But I can not complain...
 Block count: 4957
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Middle Ages City Gates

Start Your future Middle Age themed city by building a powerful city gate. Or finish Your ...
 Block count: 3169
Details Blueprints

Middle Ages Huge House 3

You'll never have enough of Middle Age houses. Never. There's just so much to discover and...
 Block count: 4796
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Middle Ages Huge House with Basement

Now this here is a big house! Just look how detailed it is with so many different colors, ...
 Block count: 10219
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Middle Ages Lookout Tower

I have seen so many different lookout towers in my life but this one here seems to be the ...
 Block count: 1436
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Middle Ages Blacksmith Forge

This is the coolest Blacksmith I have seen so far. The design, colors .. everything is jus...
 Block count: 5299
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Middle Ages Jewelry

This house is beautiful! If You have always dreamed about a big house with a balcony, a fi...
 Block count: 2379
Details Blueprints

Middle Ages Tower with Pierriere

How about building a two in one tower? Check out the pierriere of this tower, it looks so ...
 Block count: 1129
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Medieval Small Guard Tower

Small guard towers for small towns, right? This tower here is pretty unique, I mean when Y...
 Block count: 2681
Details Blueprints

Medieval Tall Castle Wall

I have never seen a castle wall like this! It is so detailed, colorful and unique. If I we...
 Block count: 3233
Details Blueprints

Medieval Tall Guard Tower

I love guard towers for three reasons - they are tall so a great view, they are detailed a...
 Block count: 3550
Details Blueprints

Medieval Wall Gate with Tall Guard Tower

If You have annoying neighbors, then this Medieval Wall Gate with Tall Guard Tower is good...
 Block count: 6658
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Medieval Wall Gate with Tall Watchtower

Okay, creepy wall gate ahead!! There are heads on sticks up there, people who have tried g...
 Block count: 6038
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