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American Bison

Well this is a great statue! Can You imagine owning it in Your own Minecraft? I bet it wou...
 Block count: 223
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Red Panda

Have You ever seen a Red Panda before? I don't think so but if You have then You are reall...
 Block count: 251
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North American Deer

Well this is an interesting choice of an animal. To be honest the deer looks really good, ...
 Block count: 172
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Grizzly Bear

Ahh Grizzly Bears ... aren't they adorable? And very dangerous animals at the same time bu...
 Block count: 256
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North American Eagle

Eagles are amazing animals, I am not kidding. Even in the spiritual world they have such a...
 Block count: 169
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Oak Ent

You know how Oak Tree Ents are really hard to notice? Well I think this statue here is on ...
 Block count: 140
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Asian Monkey

Are You an animal lover? Well if You are and even if You are not then this monkey here is ...
 Block count: 179
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Birch Ent

Oh this is interesting. We have an Ent here, but it is a Birch version ... I have never se...
 Block count: 153
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Jungle Ent

Is it just me or Ents are rather popular these days? Well I can see why. Just look how coo...
 Block count: 781
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Acacia Ent

I can see Ents are taking over the wold now! This time we have travelled into tropical par...
 Block count: 161
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Modern House Studio

Now this house here is amazing! It is so symmetrical, the purple color is looking really c...
 Block count: 3015
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Modern Summer Villa

Well, who wouldn't want to live in this Modern Summer Villa? And not only in the summer bu...
 Block count: 3983
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Victorian Summer Mansion

Victorian architecture is a series of architectural revival styles in the mid-to-late 19th...
 Block count: 2415
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Victorian Small Park

In this Victorian Small Park You have everything You need in a park: there is a bench wher...
 Block count: 7188
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Victorian Summer Mansion 2

I wouldn't mind spending my summer in a house like this. It is so fancy and I have to say ...
 Block count: 2217
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Motorbike Design 1

Now this is a really cool motorbike - it has the sidecar! So You can go for a ride with Yo...
 Block count: 18
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