Search - house

Nordic Town Blacksmith

I am beginning to like blacksmiths, I mean their job is something different and unique. Th...
 Block count: 1417
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Medieval Gothic Stable

This here is a stable? It seriously looks like a Medieval house, right? But it is rather c...
 Block count: 622
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Stone Roof Medieval Shop

Who doesn't love shopping, shopping is life, especially when You can just drink Your coffe...
 Block count: 982
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Stone Roof Medieval Blacksmith

It's Your choice if You're more into typical medieval style buildings or You choose to try...
 Block count: 1024
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Medieval Bakery Detailed

I just came from a bakery, this is so cool. I can still smell all of those sweet freshly b...
 Block count: 703
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Medieval Barn and Stable

Barn and stable ... two in one. I love houses like that because they are so convenient, ri...
 Block count: 616
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Medieval Barracks Detailed

This house reminds me of a castle, like a low key small castle. Anyway, these barracks her...
 Block count: 1181
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Medieval Blacksmith Detailed

Did You know I wanted to become a blacksmith few years ago? Yeah, it was a great dream to ...
 Block count: 1283
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Medieval Butcher Detailed

I am a little bit afraid of butchers thanks to scary movies and that kind of stuff ... why...
 Block count: 897
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Medieval Fishermans Hut

Now that hut here is seriously small. If You are a fisherman with a friend who needs a pla...
 Block count: 253
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Medieval Inn Detailed

This here is a Medieval inn? How much does the night cost cause I am planning on staying h...
 Block count: 2529
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Medieval Lumbermill Detailed

Okay, Is it just me or Medieval buildings are always so pretty. It is just wonderful to lo...
 Block count: 1539
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Medieval Port Authority

Well this Authority house here seems to be very calm and sweet. The design is very simple ...
 Block count: 1536
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Pokemon Apartment 1

If You are a color person and You like easy looking houses then I believe that this Pokemo...
 Block count: 2401
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Pokemon Museum

Every person needs to visit a museum or two every year, don't You think so? To get a bit w...
 Block count: 2808
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Pokemon Apartment 2

NexGen_Insanity has done some amazing job creating an awesome Pokemon Building Pack for fu...
 Block count: 1830
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