Search - house

Odd Medieval Storage

This house is really fancy for storing something for the future use (the right term for st...
 Block count: 2479
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Odd Medieval Town Hovel

Hovels are perfect places to live when You don't have time to build a fancy mansion or may...
 Block count: 675
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Odd Medieval Well

Well is very necessary in every household. So if You don't have a well in Your garden yet,...
 Block count: 353
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Odd Medieval Waterwheel

Who wouldn't like to live by the sea? Well, house with a waterwheel isn't the same, but it...
 Block count: 3126
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Odd Medieval Lamp Post

If You are afraid of darkness or You just want to add a bit warmth and coziness around You...
 Block count: 30
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Odd Medieval Townhall with a Horse Statue

If You have a Medieval town then You need to have a townhall, I mean have You seen a town ...
 Block count: 7377
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Small Fisherman's Cabin

Fishing is far the coolest thing to do in the summer, don't You think so? Imagine waking u...
 Block count: 492
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Small Horse Stable

Specially made house for horses is here, if You asked for it You got it. So, what do You t...
 Block count: 307
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Small Sauna

I guess pretty much everyone has a love and hate relationships with sauna. It's nice and r...
 Block count: 177
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Medieval Town Center

Town center ... a perfect place for markets and buying all the cool and not so cool things...
 Block count: 522
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The Traveller's Notch Tavern

Taverns are the best! You can not not agree with me here because I know You love taverns t...
 Block count: 623
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Large Medieval Home

You need a big house to put all of Your things or You just like solitude? Well, I think th...
 Block count: 2431
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Simple Medieval Home 1

Medieval houses, nothing is better than living in one of these houses ... well except if Y...
 Block count: 703
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Simple Medieval Home 2

Oh this is nice, looking at his house I already feel calmer. The brown and white colors ar...
 Block count: 876
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Simple Medieval Blacksmith

Simple Blacksmith ... is it just me, or it looks really good and more than perfect for a b...
 Block count: 1269
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Simple Medieval Home 7

Simple indeed, I think this home here really is simple to build and it even looks like it....
 Block count: 720
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